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简介介绍旅游路线的对话_介绍旅游路线的对话英语       感谢大家给予我这个机会,让我为大家解答介绍旅游路线的对话的问题。这个问题集合囊括了一系列与介绍旅游路线的对话相关的问题,我将全力以赴地回答并提供有用的信息。1.二人旅游







5.口译课介绍旅游景点英语 景点旅游英文介绍

6.英语对话介绍一个旅游景点 介绍景点对话英文





        X:If you?d like further information on this,there?s a guidebook in several languages on sale at the information desk.


        Y:Do you he a Chinese edition of this?


        X:I'm afraid we don't.Won't an English edition do?


        Y:I'll try to read one.



        Y:Good afternoon.May I help you?


        X:Yes,I'd like to rent a car.


        Y:What kind of car do you he in mend?


        X:An automatic sedan.


        Y:I see.How long will you need it?


        X:About a week.


        Y:Just a moment,please.



        Y:Excuse me.Can you take me to the airport?


        X:Which airport,ma?am?


        Y:Kennedy Airport.


        X:All right,ma?am .Need any help with your luggage?


        Y:Thank you,but I?d rather keep this case with me.




        Desk clerk: What can I do for you.miss?


        Treler: He you a tour bus? I he one day left I think the best way is to take a bus tour.


        Desk clerk: That's right.The bus tour is really efficient and cheap.


        Treler: What time the next bus lee?


        Desk clerk: 9:OO.Don't worry.miss,we he buses every 15 minutes.



        Treler: I want to take part in the bus tour.When does the bus lee?


        Driver: Let me see,in 5 minuets.


        Treler: That's fine. I don't he much time to waste.


        Driver: Don't worry.The bus tour is really worth while.You can enjoy the whole crty in a single day.


        Treler: How long does the tour last?


        Drrver: It lasts 4 hours from 10:00 t0 14:00.



        Treler: He you any evening bus tour?


        Desk derk: Yes.we he.The city is famous for its beautifule evening scanery.


        Treler: I he heard of that before.When shall we start?


        Desk cierk: It starts at 7:00 and lasts 3 hours.



        Treler: Is there a bus tour?


        Desk clerk: Yes,of course.We he day tour and night tour.Which one are you more interested in?


        Treler: I'd prefer the night tour.


        Desk clerk: You are smart.The city is really charming at night.



       1.Do you he any plan for the roaching summer holiday?


       2.I?m going to trel in Sydney for 2 weeks after resignation.


       3.My parents plan to visit Beijing during the spring break.


       4.Do you he something new for the graduation trip?


       5.She suggested the best places to us to head for.


       6. The magazine has selected annual top ten destinations for trelers in Europe.


       7.I?m dreaming to go abroad during the break.


       8.You he no idea how much I desire to go to Greece.


       二、旅游英语常用口语对话:Conversation 1

       A: Judy said that you are going on a trip this summer?


       B: Yes, but I hen?t decided yet.


       A: Do you he any plan?


       B: Well, I?m looking forward to go to Europe during the break.


       A: There is no better place than Greece if you need my recommendation.


       B: He you been there before?


       A: Yes, I went there more than once.


       B: Wow! Sounds attractive! Maybe I can he a try.


       三、旅游英语常用口语对话:Conversation 2

       A: I?m going to he a three-week vacation. How about planning a trip?


       B: Really? You?ve been dreaming to go to the United States. Now it?s on the agenda.


       A: Sounds exciting. I want to visit the Grand Canyon.


       B: Good idea. And we can stay a couple of days in Las Vegas.


       A: And the New York City can?t be missed out.I?d like to watch a Broadway play.


       B: But it?s on the other side of the county and we he to fly five hours to get there.


       A: It doesn?t matter. I can?t wait anymore.






       K:Gee, this land is so flat!


       E:The Netherlands literally means "the down lands," which of course means "the lowlands."


       K:It's flat, but why do they say it's "low"?


       E:A lot of the Netherlands is actually below sea level.


       That's why there are dikes everywhere to keep out the sea water.


       K:No wonder the Dutch are considered an industrious people.


       It's a constant fight against the sea for survival.


       E:The Dutch are tough. Such a *** all country, but they've not only survived, they've prospered.


       K:It's true. You hardly see any poverty here.


       E:Oh, look! There are a couple of old windmills on that farm.


       K:How pretty! Let's stop here a minute. I want to take a picture.


       E:Sure. I'll get off at this exit. Then you can take pictures to your heart's content.


       K:Thanks. Oh, if you're hungry, there are a couple of sandwiches and drinks in the cooler.


       Mrs. Van Helsing made the sandwiches especially for us.


       E:That woman is a saint!



       E:Mrs. Van Helsing, we're ready to check out now.


       V:All right, Evan. I he your bill here someplace.


       E:Don't hurry. We've had such a wonderful time here in the Netherlands. We're already looking forward to our brief return next month.


       V:I'm glad you had a great time here. Was your stay fortable with us? A hostel can't pare with a five-star hotel.


       E:Maybe not in looks, Mrs. Van Helsing, but nothing can beat the warmth of you and your staff.


       V:I'm so glad to hear that. We try very hard to help others.


       E:And you've succeeded beautifully. Now, how much is the bill?


       V:You had fif nights, twelve breakfasts, ten lunches, and eight dinners. That es to, let's see...US$775 for the both of you.


       E:No wonder so many people are staying at hostels these days! You can't beat these prices. That would he cost a fortune in a posh hotel.


       V:I do hope you and Kathy he a great time on the rest of your trip, Evan. And we look forward to seeing you again next month.


       E:We do, too, Mrs. Van Helsing. See you then.



       V:So, today you are leing, Evan?


       E:Yes. After three weeks, it's time to hit the road again.


       V:How nice for you to be able to pack up and lee whenever you like!


       E:This is the best trip of my life. Kathy doesn't want to lee at all.


       V:Where is the darling girl? Isn't she hungry?


       E:She's washing up. She'll be here in a minute.


       V:I he your forite breakfast for you two today:


       eggs easy over, waffles with maple syrup, yogurt, orange juice, and tea for Kathy, coffee foryou.


       E:I can't get over how you remember what all your guests like to eat, Mrs. Van Helsing.


       V:I only remember the preferences of those whom I like, Evan.


       You and Kathy he been ideal guests. You're both so polite and considerate of others.


       E:It's been a real pleasure to stay with you, Mrs. Van Helsing.


       Anyway, after we return from Sweden, we'll be back next month to say hello before we go backto New York.


       V:You two are wele to stay with us anytime. Now, hurry up and finish your breakfast whileit's still hot!


口译课介绍旅游景点英语 景点旅游英文介绍


       Tim:hello,jane,what are you going to do this weekend?

       Jane:i plan to go to huangshan this weekend,i hear that it's very beautiful there.what about you?what are you plan to do this weekend?

       Tim:I don't konw.I want to talk with my parents later,but i want to go to the sea park.I think it's must be very interesting there.

       Jane:it's a good idea,too.


英语对话介绍一个旅游景点 介绍景点对话英文


       1 Did you get enough water? 水带够了吗?

       2 Look! over there, you see that? A runing bear!You bet,that's not a teddy bear!

        看,那边! 看到没? 一头奔跑中的大熊! 绝对的,那可不是泰迪熊哦。

       3 Please, look on your left/right ,that's the spot light of the park。请看你们左/右边,那是这个公园的亮点。

       4 One by one,no harry,everyone gets the opportunitiy to feast yourself on the scenic。(下车中)一个一个走,别着急,每个人都会大饱眼福的啊!

       5 Oh gosh,I thought I would he missed my wallet.哎呦,我以为我把钱包丢了呢(没丢,庆幸中)。

       6 wait,Let me put on my shades.等等,让我把墨镜戴上。

       7 Do I look sharp/pretty in the Outdoor jacket。我穿着冲锋衣/户外装好看吗?

       8 You‘d better he some sweets,it helps with your blood sugar。你最好吃点甜食/糖,有助于你的血糖。

       9 Keep the bugs away from you,you know,they always stick to pretty girls/dudes(俚语,哥们)让这帮虫子离你远点,他们可喜欢黏着美女/帅哥了。

       10 Hey gorgeous,you know what,you are 10 times prettier than the scenery behind you!

       (边照相) 嘿,美女,你知道吗? 你比你身后的风景漂亮10倍!



       Badaling Great Wall located at Beijing yanqing, a is the most representative of the Great Wall, the juyongguan outpost, elevation 1015 meters, the terrain it is, has always been mohican, is an important military pass the Ming dynasty and an important barrier to the capital Beijing.On the Great Wall, commanding, out of the grandeur of mountains.So far, including barack Obama, Nixon, Margaret thatcher, more than three hundred celebrities to this tour, badaling scenic spot to its magnificent landscape, perfect facilities is famous in the world and the profound connotation of culture and history.History says the world nine fill one, is the essence of the Great Wall, alone representation in the Ming Great Wall.Badaling Great Wall museum with the Great Wall as the theme, fully reflects the history of the Great Wall, the political, military, economic and cultural comprehensive museum of China is located in the badaling Great Wall museum pass outside, built in 1994.

       Unique "risks, dense, strange, qiao," the five characteristics of Great Wall simatai, located in the northeast of miyun county gubeikou territory, 120 kilometers away from Beijing.After it east wangjing floor, west to kawaguchi, total length of 5.4 km, watchtowers, 35, the whole period of the Great Wall is constructed, design unique, novel structure, different shapes, can be called the essence of the Great Wall.Famous Great Wall expert professor luo praise way: the Great Wall of China is the world's largest, and simatai Great Wall in the Great Wall of China.Simatai Great Wall was listed in the world heritage list in 1987, is a national key cultural relics protection units, is China's only retain the original Ming dynasty ruins of ancient buildings.

       Gubeikou Great Wall is the most complete history of the Great Wall of China Great Wall system.By put the Great Wall and the Ming Great Wall, including WoHuShan, panlong mountain, jinshanling and simatai four city section.Gubeikou is shanhaiguan, juyongguan Great Wall between two imprison fortress, for the liaodong plain, and the throat to the central plains of Inner Mongolia, has always been mohican, especially in the liao, jin, yuan, Ming and qing of the five dynasty, large and small battle for gubeikou never stopped, so the effect of the Great Wall is particularly important.



        China's Great Wall is the greatest building project in human history of civilization.


       It was built in Spring and Autumn period ,Warring states times, two thousand years _go.


       After the Qin state unified China. The chinese people connected the Great wall of various states.


       Two generations of wise people he constructed The Great Wall intensively. _ast its project. It looks like rainbow rolling forward. It was possible to be called _orld miracle.

       聪明的两代人曾经密集地建造长城,扩展了它的工程. 它看起来象彩虹,滚滚向前. 它有可能被称作世界奇迹。

       It is the must for chinese people. When you repair Great Wall's _uins in offical _ays.

       You will not only could witness Great Wall's arance that meandered in the hills and high moutains , but could also understand the chinese nation creation history , _reat wisdom and courage of chinese people. In December 1987, Great Wall was included in ‘’World heritage Name list‘’.

       它是中国必须付出的代价,当你在正式的场合下,在废墟中修建长城,你不仅会见证它在高山和峻岭中婉延曲折的情景, 也会了解中华民族的创造历史以及中国人的勇气和智慧,在1987年12月,长城被归录在‘’世界遗产名录"中。




       Cadocia, Turkey 卡帕多西亚,土耳其

        The fairy chimneys of Cadocia are spectacularly peculiar, a sight that needs to be shared. The region offers plenty of opportunities to explore on foot or by car, but the best way is to wake up before dawn for a balloon ride over the jagged landscape and fantastic dwellings. Post-afternoon-nap, climb the stairs up to Uchisar Castle to watch the sunset from the top of the area’s tallest fairy chimney, where Cadocia mingles with the clouds and everything from Mt Erciyes to the Pigeon Valley is in view.

        卡帕多西亚的精灵烟囱可以说是一个非常值得观赏的奇观。这个景点为人们提供了很多 自驾游 的机会,但最好的旅行方式是黎明前夕乘坐热气球俯瞰锯齿景观和梦幻住房。中午小憩过后,顺着阶梯登上乌希萨尔城堡,再看夕阳落下最高的精灵烟囱尖顶,卡帕多西亚城被云雾笼罩,从Mt Erciyes到鸽子谷的景色尽收眼底。


       Brazil 巴西

        Brazil madness reaches fever pitch in 2014 for the World Cup. Copacabana and Ipanema he their charms, but the fantasy is a remote stretch of coastline where it’s just you, a few locals, hammocks, and caipirinhas. The area around Paraty, about midway between Rio de Janeiro and S_o Paulo, fits the bill: remote, unpopulated and with one of the most pristine coastlines anywhere.



       Marrakech, Morocco 摩洛哥的马拉喀什

        Hands-down one of the most romantic cities on earth, Marrakech is redolent with Arabian spices and rose petals, lit by lanterns and soundtracked by Gwana music. The medina is virtually impossible to nigate, so it’s best to accept getting lost as part of the experience, stopping for mint tea or strong coffee, bargaining in the souqs and watching snake charmers in Jemaa al Fna, the central square.

        马拉喀什无疑是世界上最浪漫的城市之一,满城飘散着阿拉伯香料和玫瑰花瓣的香味,城内点满了灯笼,四处洋溢在Gwana音乐里。麦地那市实际上不太可能使用导航,但是最好干脆迷路其中,迷途中来杯杯薄荷茶或者浓咖啡,和闹市里的小贩进行一番讨价还价,再去Jemaa al Fna中心广场看看弄蛇人的表演,别有一番风味。


       St Lucia 圣卢西亚岛

        Rum punch, white sand, crashing wes and stunning vistas are abundant on just about any Caribbean island. What sets St Lucia apart are its lush forests, striking silhouette of the Piton mountains (a Unesco site) and adventure opportunities _ sharing physical challenges and satisfactions is a great way to begin life together. Climb the 786m Gros Piton, dive, snorkel, zipline and try the island’s unique scuba-snorkel hybrid called Snuba.

        在加勒比任意一个海岛上都可随处可见朗姆潘趣酒,白色沙滩,翻滚的海浪以及美不胜收的远景。让圣卢西亚导如此与众不同的是它葱郁的森林,崇山峻岭的剪影(联合国教科文官方认证景点)还有各种大冒险的机会——一起参与体能挑战和重获新生的满足感。爬上786的格罗斯山, 潜水 ,坐潜艇,玩飞索,或者尝试岛上独一无二的水肺通气管混合潜水。


       Andalucía, Spain 西班牙的安达卢西亚

        Few things are dreamier than an alfresco lunch under the sunny skies at the olive orchards of southern Spain. Think jamón ibérico, olives, manchego cheese and local Jerez sherry on a hand-woven blanket, followed by a languorous siesta. The wild mountains outside Seville provide the perfect setting for idyllic, isolated feasts. By night see flamenco, the dance of love and passion, some of whose brightest stars _ Joaquin Cortes, Miguel Rios, Rocio Jurado, Isabel Pantoja and Joaquin Sabina _ hail from Andalucía.

        很少有比在晴朗的天空下,坐在西班牙南部的橄榄园里,享受一份露天午餐更令人心驰神往的事情了。想想午睡之后,尝尝伊比利亚火腿,橄榄,曼彻格奶酪以及当地手工 编织 毯上的一杯雪莉酒。塞尔维亚野外的群山为桃园般的宴会提供了绝佳场地。晚上观赏充满爱和的弗拉曼柯舞,他们其中有些舞者是超级巨星,像来自安达卢西亚Joaquin Cortes,Miguel Rios,Rocio Jurado,Isabel Pantoja 和 Joaquin Sabina。



       Bozhou is a national famous historical and cultural city and one of

       China's excellent tourist cities. It is a very famous tourist

       attraction, such as Cao Cao's military transportation road, flower

       theater, moral palace, Cao's clan tombs, Hua Zuan, etc.


       Cao Cao's underground troop transportation road is located under the

       main streets in the old city of Bozhou, with a length "underground Great Wall". The tunnel extends

       in all directions and has a complex structure. It has four forms:

       one-way road, turning Road, parallel double road and upper and lower

       two-story road.


       It is equipped with military facilities such as cat hole, barrier wall,

       leg tripping board and trap, as well as auxiliary facilities such as

       vent hole, Messenger hole and lantern. Cao Cao used tunnel tactics many

       times to win the war.


       Located in the North pass of Bozhou City, Huaxi building, with a

       construction area of 3163.1 square meters, is a national key cultural

       relics protection unit. The theater was originally a stage of the great

       emperor temple. It is named for its gorgeous carvings and colorful


       花戏楼位于亳州城北关,建筑面积3163.1平方米,是全国重点文物 保护单位。戏楼本来是大帝庙的一座舞台。因上面雕刻彩绘绚丽夺目而得名。

       Welcome friends at home and abroad to Bozhou.




       Chengdu, located in Sichuan Province, is a beautiful place.


       The city is exquisitely decorated and well-designed, attracting a large number of tourists every year.


       Chengdu has a large number of tourist attractions, such as Wangjiang Park, dujiangba, etc. these attractions are easy to reach, and the cost is not high.


       And with the rapid development of economy, Chengdu has become an international metropolis.


       Why don't you come to this magical city to he a rest and he a look at the beautiful scenery?





       1.China is a large country with various geographical terrains.


        2.There are five sacred mountains in China.


        3.Emperors used to pay tributes their ancestors on the mountain.


        4.On the peak of the mountain,you can overlook the whole city.


        5.It used to be a big volcano.


        6.We can find many fossils in the mountain.


        7.You should be careful because the cliff is very steep.


        8.You may take the cable to the top.


        9.It is famous for getting the best view of sunrise.


        10.You can climb the mountain along the stone stairs.


        11.This mountain is not fit for snow skiing.


        12.It has the highest peak in the world.



       1.China is rich in water resources.


        2.Many rivers are intermingled with each other.


        3.The currency in the river is very strong.


        4.There is a fall at the next corner.


        5.It becomes dry in winter.


        6.There are big floods in summer.


        7.The dike protects us from the tides.


        8.You can see the river bed in the dry season.


        9.You can find its source if you go upstream.


        10.There ears a delta when the river slows down.


        11.It has no tributaries downstream.


        12.It is called Mother River.



       1.It is really an eye-opening experience.


        2.This town is a representative architecture of China.


        3.You reel really quiet and peaceful in this town.


        4.I love the scenery in this place very much.


        5.The guide gives us a good description of this place.


        6.Who designed this architecture?


        7.This is the residential place for real local people.


        8.Wujiang attracts a lot of people from all over the world.


        9.It has a history of nearly 200 years.


        10.This building embraces the Chinese ancient architecture style.


        11.It has been through many dynasties in China's history.


        12.The most enjoyable thing is to walk along the alley.
